Freedom of information

Services provided or to be provided to the Public

How services can be accessed

Through this website. If you are in need of assistance please contact us at 01 6603396 or by email at

Forms can be assessed by contacting the Secretary at 01 6603396 or by email at

How much services cost

There is no cost for services except for the fees prescribed under S.I. No 265 of 1996 NATIONAL MILK AGENCY (FEES) REGULATIONS, 1996

Administration of such services

Marie Jordan and Joan Shannon, Administrate Services, can be contacted at 01 6603396 or by email at

Review or appeal rights relating to such services

Decisions to appeal should initially be discussed with the Agency and can then be appealed as set out in the Milk (Regulation of Supply Act), 1994.

Services Provided to the Liquid Milk Industry

The Agency operates a series of services as follows:

Maintenance of Registers

The Agency maintains three Registers: Contracts, Producers and Processors.


The Agency has facilities for members of the public to view each of these Registers thus assisting transparency.

Monthly Inspection Programme

The Agency has a monthly inspection programme whereby an inspection is carried out at processors’ establishments to ensure the efficient regulation of the industry.